Loving Our Neighbor: A Catholic Response to Immigrants

St. Anthony Parish 6104 Desmond Street, Cincinnati, OH, United States

St. Anthony Parish invites you to join them in hearing the first-hand stories of immigrants and two parish priests who have worked with immigrant communities in Cincinnati. Fr. Mike Pucke and parishioners from St. Julie Billiart will tell stories of issues faced by Mexican immigrants, including family separation by Immigration & Customs Enforcement and by Customs & Border Patrol.

Loving Our Neighbor: A Catholic Response to Immigrants

St. Anthony Parish 6104 Desmond Street, Cincinnati, OH, United States

St. Anthony Parish invites you to join them in hearing the first-hand stories of immigrants and two parish priests who have worked with immigrant communities in Cincinnati. Fr. Jim Schutte and Guatemalan parishioners from St. Leo will discuss obstacles they face, particularly in light of recent immigration policies—including family separation.

Voices of Experience: The Death Penalty

St. Anthony Parish 6104 Desmond Street, Cincinnati, OH, United States

Join Ohioans to Stop Executions and the Archdiocese of Cincinnati for Voices of Experience: The Death Penalty on 2/18/2016.
