Immigration Justice
Systems of violence and oppression are able to maintain power by creating division and antagonism among those they harm. In the United States, immigrants have become the latest target of hate, fear, and suspicion. Through education and raising awareness about the experiences of local immigrants, Ignite Peace seeks to build relationships, learn from each other, and work to create equitable systems so immigrants can thrive as welcomed members of society.
Immigrant Dignity Coalition
Ignite Peace coordinates the Immigrant Dignity Coalition, a network of 40+ organizations dedicated to informing, connecting, and mobilizing the Southwest Ohio / Northern Kentucky community to defend and protect the dignity of the immigrant and refugee community by working in partnership with one another.

Immigration 101
Ignite Peace offers interactive, dynamic group presentations to explain how the immigration system works and doesn’t work. Immigration 101 presentations define basic terms, facilitate a small group activity such as the Immigration Board Game, offer a local story, and encourage discussion on current events and challenges facing the immigrant community in Cincinnati.
Learn More
Watch this video from PBS for a simplified explanation of our immigration system.
Read this explainer from Amnesty International about the differences between refugees, asylum seekers, and migrants.
What would you do? Explore this interactive webpage by Experience Magazine to take an immigrant’s journey.