Trafficking Survivors Relief Act
One of the biggest roadblocks for survivors of trafficking after they’ve left the trafficker, is the implication of having a criminal record (this record stems from criminal charges incurred while being trafficked.) The federal government should expunge these crimes.
In January, Senator Gillibrand (D-NY) introduced S.104 and Representative Wagner (R-MO) introduced H.R.459, bill that will vacate certain convictions and expunge certain crimes from the criminal records of survivors of human trafficking.
Take Action: S.104 is in the Judiciary Committee and has 14 co-sponsors, including Senator Portman and Senator Brown.
- Call to thank them for their continued support.
- Senator Portman: 513-684-3265 (Cincinnati), 202-224-3353 (DC)
- Senator Brown: 513-684-1021 (Cincinnati), 202-224-2315 (DC)
H.R.459 has 31 co-sponsors and is in the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, and Investigations.
Call Representative Chabot, who is on the Judiciary Committee, and tell him become a co-sponsor and to vote yes on the Trafficking Survivors Relief Act of 2017.
- Representative Chabot: 513-684-2723 (Cincinnati), 202-225-2216 (DC)