Pass the Dream and Promise Act

Millions of immigrants are at risk of deportation because the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), Temporary Protected Status (TPS), and Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) programs were terminated, making every undocumented person a priority for deportation.

It is imperative Congress pass H.R. 6 Dream and Promise Act of 2019 to secure permanent protections for immigrant youth, TPS holders, and DED recipients now. The Dream and Promise Act builds off of the Dream Act of 2017 and is the most inclusive bill yet. It would include permanent protections and a path to citizenship for over 2 million people who’ve made this country their home.

There is a similar bill in the Senate, S. 874 The Dream Act of 2019, that provides protections and a pathway to citizenship specifically for immigrant youth but is less inclusive than H.R. 6.

6/4/2019 UPDATE: H.R. 6 passed the House of Representatives! Congratulations to all who made this happen.

Be part of YES’ letter campaign:

IJPC’s YES program is leading the way. Join them and write a letter to your Senator to tell them to support the Dream Act.

  1. Download and print the letter template for your Senator:
  2. Be sure to add your own words of support at the bottom of the letter, as well as your contact information.
  3. YES wants to keep track of how many letters they send, so drop off your completed letter to IJPC’s office or let us know if you sent it in the mail by emailing

Call Your Representatives:

Call your Representative and ask them to support a clean Dream Act:

Sample message (Senate):

“Hello, my name is _______ and I live in _______. I want Senator _______ to vote for the Dream Act to ensure immigrant youth have permanent protections and aren’t separated from their families. We need immigration policies that help immigrants without hurting our communities. Please bring this bill for a clean vote immediately because time is running out for so many immigrant families. Please pass the Dream Act now! Thank you.”