Premiering this fall: Race and Racism in Cincinnati, a 3-part docuseries

Race and Racism in Cincinnati is the telling of Cincinnati’s history from the racial margins, a history that is not often told in school curriculums or in mainstream (white) culture. This virtual tour is an evolution of our “Race and Racism in Cincinnati” bus tour,  which launched during October, 2019 and halted due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This video series shares a people’s history that places storytelling authority in the hands of common people, rather than political leaders or other narrative leaders who have crafted narratives to benefit their agenda.

This series features three separate hour-long videos that each tackle a different time span, starting from Cincinnati’s birth and bringing us to the present day. Each viewing will be followed by a discussion session.

Register for a virtual screening here.

Virtual Screening Times:

Part One:

  • Thursday, September 23rd, 7:00pm – 9:00pm
  • Saturday, September 25th, 10:30am – 12:30pm

Part Two:

  • Thursday, October 14th, 7:00pm – 9:00pm
  • Saturday, October 16th, 10:30am – 12:30pm

Part Three:

  • Thursday, November 4th, 7:00pm – 9:00pm
  • Saturday, November 6th, 10:30am – 12:30pm

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