NASW Ohio Names IJPC as Agency of the Year

*IJPC is honored to receive the award for Agency of the Year from the National Association of Social Workers (NASW), Ohio Chapter, at both the regional and the state level. Thank you!

Last fall IJPC was nominated for the 2019 Agency of the Year award for Region 6 of the Ohio Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers by Ruth Anne Van Loon.

IJPC is especially honored to receive this recognition because the social work field is typically known more for direct service work than macro level systems change work.

Samantha Searls, program manager, and Ruth Anne Van Loon at the NASW, Ohio Chapter, Region 6 awards ceremony.

Changing systems – immigration, death penalty, human trafficking, racism, etc. – takes a lot of long term education and advocacy. It’s done at the community and legislative level. It’s done in classrooms, in the streets, in houses of worship, and on college campuses. The slow work of challenging issues of social injustice can have a huge impact over time. We are grateful to the many direct service organizations who provide individual support to those in need (an immigrant, an inmate, a victim of human trafficking, a person experiencing discrimination) as we work to dismantle oppressive systems from the top down. By advocating for comprehensive immigration reform, the abolition of the death penalty, an end to human trafficking, and broader peace and justice, we hope to truly transform the society we live in so that people will no longer face unjust oppression, discrimination, and violence.

When asked what inspired her to nominate IJPC for this award, Ruth Anne said,

“Having heard about IJPC at my church (Mt. Auburn Presbyterian) through presentations on solitary confinement, human trafficking, and the situation on the US-Mexico border, I was intrigued by the breadth of activities. I was even more impressed when I investigated in greater depth in advance of writing the letter of nomination...

IJPC reflects the not only the social work goal of social justice, but social work values in the way they operate.  IJPC provides a space where the voices of those affected by the issues it addresses can be heard, and where they can lead the process of finding solutions. IJPC finds and collaborates with like-minded groups in the community, recognizing that these partnerships enhance the possibility of success. And IJPC sees the community as a vehicle for justice, educating us about the issues we face and providing us with opportunities to be part of the change that leads to justice. “

June 13th*, IJPC will be honored at the Ohio Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers annual gala. This recognition is a testament not only to the staff but also to the many volunteers who are part of carrying out the IJPC programs, advocating for social justice and reconciliation, and making the Beloved Community a reality in Cincinnati.

*Postponed from March 14th.