“How Can I Help?”
By Hope Johnston-Holm, IJPC Intern
Ending human trafficking is a group effort. While we need advocates lobbying for better laws and policies, we also need educators that correct misinformation, storytellers sharing their truth, helpers showing love to those who’ve been victimized, healers empowering survivors, and so much more.

One of IJPC’s interns from the University of Cincinnati, Hope Johnston-Holm, is proud to present a for those wishing to do their part. Take some time to scroll through the website and click on the many options. The guide is organized under four categories:
1) Take a Task Off a Survivor’s Plate
Simple actions can be so meaningful to someone going through a hard time. Pitch in with rides, laundry, pet care, cleaning, and cooking/serving meals.
2) Help In a Time of Need
When a crisis happens, we can rely on our community to carry us through. Advocate for your neighbor in the hospital or court, respond to the hotline/textline, join street outreach teams, or collect for item donation drives.
3) Support an Organization Day to Day
Checking off tasks for community organizations increases their reach and the amount of survivors assisted. Work at events, social media, newsletter writing, work service (e.g. landscaping, repairs), and more.
4) Share Your Life Skills
Your experiences are invaluable! Connect to mentor and form relationships, or use your professional skills in pro-bono legal work, social media, medical work, education ambassador, and more.
Discover volunteer opportunities from nearly 30 organizations in the Greater Cincinnati area working to address human trafficking.
View and share the guide: (Last Updated March 2022)
Hope is really inspired by mission-based work and is passionate about breaking down barriers between education and action, so this project was right up her alley! She’s loved getting to create something that helps everyday people get more involved in their community.