Reflection on Election Night

As the reality of Donald Trump’s presidency is upon us, we take time to reflect and process how this election cycle has left us with a divided country. Through his campaign, Trump has cast aside the experiences and feelings of vulnerable communities. We acknowledge the pain and stand in solidarity with women, immigrants, African-Americans, Muslims, people who identify as GLBTQ, Native Americans, people differently abled, survivors of sexual assault, and so many others. You matter. We see you. We stand beside you. We are in this together.

While opposition to the death penalty across the country is at an all-time high, death penalty ballot issues in Nebraska, California, and Oklahoma all failed. While Black Lives Matter and explicit and implicit racism are actively identified nationwide, our president-elect was endorsed by the KKK. The issues of peace and justice that IJPC hold so close are on the line.

Acknowledging the divides that are present, we work to build understanding instead of additional barriers, bridges instead of walls, compassion instead contempt, a respectful dialogue instead of insults and personal attacks. Whether you support all, some, or none of what Trump has proposed, we stand at this point needing to reconcile differences and listen to one another. This is not the first time that our country has had ideologies expressed in opposition with one another and we see this as another opportunity for transformative social progress.

It will take time to heal the pain, hurt, and divide and as that takes place, take care of one another. As we look to the future, we know we are not in this alone and that our collective impact can bring voice and power to create change. We know one night of conversation and dialogue will not solve all issues, but we invite you to our already scheduled Annual Gathering on November 15th where we discuss the topic of “What Now? The Implications of the 2016 Election on the Social Justice Agenda.” If you are not able to attend this event, please keep an eye out on our Events page on our website as we actively feature programs that gives voice to those communities in the margins.

With peace and love in the struggle,
All of us at IJPC