Observing International Day of the Girl
In 2011, the United Nations passed Resolution 66/170 and declared October 11th the International Day of the Girl, a day meant to recognize adolescent girls’ rights globally and advocate against the unique forms of oppression women and girls face. This day was also declared to empower women and girls in their fight for social, political and economic equality. The U.N announced this year’s theme as “Girl’s Progress= Goal’s Progress: A Global Girl Data Movement”, a theme meant to draw attention to how women and girls are being represented in Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The theme also challenges the lack of global data that surveys the experience of women and girls and that is interpreted in a non-patriarchal lens. Currently, the data that is processed does not take into consideration forms of oppression that are unique to women, nor is it comprehensive when establishing how women should be considered in the SDGs. For example, current global statistics may estimate sexual activity in adolescents, however a statistic like this ignores the girls would are now deemed sexually active due to cases of rape, or sex trafficking; The same can be said about crime statistics that do not show any discrepancy between crimes statistically committed by women and why. When it comes to the SDGs, the primary concern is that countries will miss the opportunity to design economies and societies that value girls and women as active participants, who deserve equal rights and opportunities.
The United States, along with most of the other U.N nations, has a website dedicated to the Day of the Girl. Here, they outline the mission and goals of the United States movement, as well as ways to get involved. One of the primary issues the U.S branch is focused on is sex trafficking, the site has various resources concerning adolescent sex trafficking, statistics and actions steps. The diagram below is also on the U.S website and outlines the multiple intersections between various types of justice and how women often suffer from gender discrimination and other forms of inequality. For more information on Day of The Girl visit the U.N website; and for more information about IJPC and our work on human trafficking visit here.