NKY – Action Alert Regarding ACA

ACTION ALERT: ACA (Obamacare) Repeal Vote Imminent

Congressional Republicans have already taken the first step toward rushing through a repeal of the ACA in a budget resolution without proposing a replacement. Republicans are using the budget process to dismantle the ACA by eliminating tax breaks, subsidies, and more. These changes would further increase our national debt, and it is a sneaky and irresponsible move by Congress to weaken the economic structures that support the ACA.

Please join the National Interfaith Call-In to protect healthcare for vulnerable people. Call 1-888-897-9753. (Using this number allows us to track the number of calls received at each office.) Or see below for directly calling our Senators’ offices or for sending them a message.  Call twice to be connected to both senators, and tell them to vote NO on Senate Concurrent Resolution 3.

A sample script for your call:
“Hi, my name is [NAME], and I am a constituent from [CITY/TOWN].  I believe that healthcare is a basic human right. Please ask the Senator to oppose any repeal of the Affordable Care Act unless there is a viable replacement to ensure that millions of Kentuckians, and other Americans, continue to receive affordable, quality healthcare.  Please vote NO on Senate Concurrent Resolution 3 (S.Con.Res.3).”

Senator McConnell: (202) 224-2541 or send a message
Senator Paul: (202) 224-4343 or send a message

Need information about what’s at stake for Kentucky? Check the fact sheet.

For all Americans: http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/article/2017/jan/05/what-would-be-impact-if-affordable-care-act-repeal/