Meet our Interns
IJPC relies on interns throughout the year to dedicate their time, skills, and talents in assisting us in a variety of projects. We’ve had 4 interns this summer from local and regional universities. If you are interested in interning with IJPC during Fall 2016 or Spring 2017, contact Mel to start a conversation.
School: Xavier University
Major: French
What got me interested in IJPC: Last summer I worked with Amnesty International. This summer I was looking for similar work but on a more local level. I happened to find IJPC at the alternative gift fair at Xavier, and everything just clicked.
School: Manchester University
Major: Peace Studies with an emphasis in Social Inequalities
What got me interested in IJPC: I’ve known for a while I wanted to work for a grassroots organization that got as close to the community as possible. At IJPC I’m able to focus on how these social justice issues affect the people in Cincinnati while creating dialogues about ways we can reform these systematic inequalities to help people locally.
School: Mount St. Joseph University
Major: MA in Art Education
What got me interested in IJPC: I’ve known about the Peaslee Center for many years having attended numerous workshops, and an art exhibition of my paintings. Through the summer employment program at Mount St. Joseph University I was informed that IJPC had an internship available in the summer of 2015. I didn’t know anything about IJPC at the time but after looking at the website and meeting with Allison I was convinced that it would be a good fit. I value work that has meaning and true purpose and IJPC is a place where those values can be lived.
School: Xavier University
Major: Philosophy, Politics, and the Public
What got me interested in IJPC: IJPC sparked my interest, because it challenges a variety of social issues through direct action rather than direct service. As an intern for IJPC, I have the unique opportunity to explore root causes of inequality and question our institutions that perpetuate injustice.