IJPC Releases Voter’s Guide

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At the Intercommunity Justice and Peace Center, we believe strongly in the power of holding our elected officials accountable by raising our voices. At times, we raise our voices about issues that are not popular to the broader community – urging politicians that a pro-life position ought to extend to those who are currently on death row and believing that we as a nation are safer without constant warfare. It is important for us to raise our voices regarding issues that we care about. It is even more important to be educated about the candidates whom we trust to carry our voices forward with legislation that promotes the common good. So we vote. Not just in our presidential election, but on a state and local level as well.

Issues of social justice are so tied together; it’s hard to pull out individual issues to focus on in this Voter’s Guide. Due to our capacity as an organization, we could not cover the myriad of human rights and justice issues that we would like. In order to be concise we chose to focus on the main issues to which IJPC dedicates staff time: human trafficking, death penalty, immigration, and peace/non-violence. Some candidates may not have official stances on these four issues; their passion may lie in our economy, education or other social justice issues.

In this guide we have covered over 50 candidates running for office of President, U.S. Senator, Representative to Congress, State Senator, and State Representative in Southwestern Ohio and Northern Kentucky. We highly encourage you to continue research on these and other candidates and the issues that you are passionate about. We have included information in our guide about conducting research and helpful websites to track candidates’ stances that we have not covered.

This voter’s guide is not meant as an endorsement for any candidate. IJPC staff and interns have researched previous votes, candidates’ websites, their social media and articles in which candidates were quoted in at the time of publication (October 5th, 2016).