IJPC to Have Peaceful Protest at PEOTUS Trump Visit


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 30, 2016

MEDIA CONTACT: IJPC Executive Director Allison Reynolds-Berry, MSW at allison@IJPCcincinnati.org or by phone at 513.579.8547.

Peaceful Presence to Protect Young Immigrants

CINCINNATI, OH — Throughout his campaign, President-elect Donald Trump and his administration have made statements that continue to oppress vulnerable populations, including immigrants, Muslims, African Americans, people who identify as LGBTQ, women, and many others. As he plans to come to Cincinnati on his “Thank You Tour,” the Intercommunity Justice and Peace Center is organizing to have a peaceful presence outside his event Thursday evening.

In his 100-day Plan, Donald Trump has promised to enact policy that attack immigrant communities including building a wall along our Southern border, establishing minimum requirement prison sentences for undocumented immigrants, and deporting millions. One of the specific issue he identifies in his 100 day plan is to “cancel every unconstitutional executive action, memorandum and order issued by President Obama” which could threaten the more than 700,000 young immigrants who have DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals), 7,542 of whom live in OH (1). DACA allows young immigrants who were brought to the US as children to attend college, have work permits and driver’s licenses. 21 year-old Jose Cabrera, Immigration Program Organizer at IJPC and DACA recipient, says, “Because of DACA I can drive without the fear of being deported. DACA makes me feel normal and a part of this country.”

IJPC believes President-elect Trump should keep and defend DACA since its 2012 creation by President Obama’s executive action to protect young immigrants who are studying in our local colleges and universities and are important and contributing members of our community and society. IJPC’s urges President-elect Trump’s administration to protect young immigrants through DACA as part of his 100 day plan.

Those interested in joining IJPC for the peaceful protest are welcome to make signs at their office, 215 E. 14th Street, 45202, from 3:30-4:30pm and/or meet outside US Bank Arena at 5:00pm. For details, see the event Facebook page: Peaceful Presence to Protect Young Immigrants: http://tinyurl.com/zc7z7pg.

1 Source: US Citizenship and Immigration Services Report, March 2016 http://bit.ly/2cuCKKu

About the Intercommunity Justice and Peace Center

The Intercommunity Justice and Peace Center educates and advocates for peace, challenges unjust local, national and global systems, and promotes the creation of a nonviolent society. Founded in 1985, IJPC is supported by faith-based organizations and individuals who work together to educate around justice issues, take collaborative action, and do public witness. IJPC addresses local, national and international concerns focusing on the death penalty, immigration, human trafficking, and peace and nonviolence. For more information and to get involved, please contact Executive Director, Allison Reynolds-Berry, MSW at 513.579.8547 or visit www.ijpccincinnati.org
