Celebrating 35 Years of IJPC

Founded in 1985, IJPC is commemorating our 35-year history by highlighting 35 stories using artifacts from the office that give a glimpse of some of the critical and inspiring work done over the years. With all the detail and size of the images, this webpage is best viewed via desktop. Thank you for helping IJPC celebrate 35 years of working for peace and justice. Ensure the next 35 years by making a gift today.  Click on one of the filters below to see some of the issues IJPC has worked on over the years.

Do you have an IJPC memory from the last 35 years that you’d like to share? Email info@IJPCcincinnati.org or post on social media with the hashtag #35YearsofIJPC.

This work was done in collaboration with the Eigel Center for Community-Engaged Learning at Xavier, and through the work of Prof. Jonathan Gibson and students in his Advanced Web Design course. Photos, videos, and content curated by Chloe Corkery and Jennifer Sens, IJPC Program Assistants through Mercy Volunteer Corps. Thank you!