Cincinnati Interfaith Vigil to End the Death Penalty

Bellarmine Chapel at Xavier University 3800 Victory Parkway, Cincinnati, United States

On Tuesday, October 12th, people of faith across the city will join together in prayer to call for an end to the death penalty. The Cincinnati Interfaith Vigil to End the Death Penalty will be held outside, near Bellarmine Chapel at Xavier University, in the North Yard Stage. Parking is available in the Cintas Lot. […]

Share the Journey: A Concert for Compassion

Bellarmine Chapel at Xavier University 3800 Victory Parkway, Cincinnati, United States

"Share the Journey; a Concert for Compassion" is a benefit concert featuring local music artists and performers invited to donate their talents and resources to raise money for The Kino Border Initiative and the League of United Latin American Citizens. Both organizations work extensively to serve and assist refugees and immigrant families. 

A God of Life and a Civilization of Love: A Catholic Response to the Refugee and Immigration Crisis

Bellarmine Chapel at Xavier University 3800 Victory Parkway, Cincinnati, United States

Daniel G. Groody, Ph.D., is a Catholic priest, a Holy Cross religious, and a scholar with years of experience working in Latin America will present. He is currently an Associate Professor of Theology and Director of Immigration Initiatives at the Institute for Latino Studies at the University of Notre Dame

How Do We Welcome the Stranger?

Bellarmine Chapel at Xavier University 3800 Victory Parkway, Cincinnati, United States

An Evening of Story-Sharing & Ignatian Discernment focused on changing the narrative that surrounds millions of immigrants


Voices of Experience: The Death Penalty

Bellarmine Chapel at Xavier University 3800 Victory Parkway, Cincinnati, United States

Join us for Voices of Experience: The Death Penalty, at Xavier University, featuring death row exoneree Joe D'Ambrosio, and activists Alice Gerdeman, CDP and Andrea Koverman, SC.