Death Row Inmate Hunger Strike

At midnight on November 9, 2015, Keith LaMar began a hunger strike, vowing to fast until the end to protest the newly announced restrictions being placed on the four prisoners classified as “5A” at the Supermax Ohio State Penitentiary (OSP). A second inmate, Jason Robb joined in on day 3 of the hunger strike. These four were told they must surrender their books and CDs in excess of 15. These restrictions are completely unjust and unacceptable and Keith is planning to stay on his hunger strike until the end.

For information from Keith’s own words about the importance of the hunger strike, watch the video below:

ACTION ITEMS: Here’s 4 ways you can help today:

1. Sign the petition We need 500 signatures by Friday 11/20. Once you sign, share with friends on social media and personal email invitations.

2. Join us to learn more: Documentary and Discussion Thursday 11/19 from 6:00-7:00pm at IJPC

3. Spread the word. Share this post with your communities, family and friends. Post your thoughts to social media – the twitter hashtag for Keith is #FREEKeithLaMar. You can also share his letter detailing the current situation, as well as some essays and recent statements about developments in his case for backstory and context.

4. Make calls: Call OSP Warden Christopher LaRose and his boss, The North East Regional Director Todd Ishee.

Script: “Hello, My name is _____. I am calling in support of Keith LaMar’s hunger strike. Please meet with Keith and meet his very reasonable demands. It is unjust and inhumane to take away Keith’s property like this.”

Contact info:
Christopher LaRose
Phone: (330) 743-0700 ext 2006
Fax: (330) 743-0841

Todd Ishee
Phone: 330-797-6398
Fax: 330-744-3512

5. Write to Keith. Letters of support not only lift Keith’s spirits at this time, they are also a tangible way to demonstrate to OSP staff how much support he has.

Keith LaMar
878 Coitsville-Hubbard Rd
Youngstown, OH 44505