Volunteer to Show Welcome

By Mahnoor Zahra, IJPC Intern

Everyday, all over the world, people make one the most difficult decision to leave their home in search of a safer, better life. These long and dangerous journeys, which all start with the hope for a better future, are only met with a complicated, broken immigration system, and limited assistance in navigating their new communities. As part of these communities, it is our responsibility to campaign for human rights that can be enjoyed by everyone, no matter what situation they are in. We can support these new families by being advocates for better laws and policies, helping with their daily needs, minimizing the language barrier and more.

One of IJPC’s interns from Xavier University, Mahnoor Zahra who is also an international student from Pakistan, is proud to present for those who are eager to help welcome these new families. Take some time to scroll through and click on the many options. The guide is organized under six categories: 

  1. Meeting Daily Needs

Providing support with daily needs to newly arrived families can take a load off of their shoulders. Help by preparing food, shopping, tutoring, mentoring, transportation, and more.

  1. Bridging Language Barriers

Navigating resources in an English-speaking world can be stressful and overwhelming. Help by interpreting, translating, and tutoring.

  1. Addressing Legal Issues

The immigration legal system is complicated and frustrating. Help by offering your professional legal skills and more.

  1. Planning Gatherings

Learning and understanding come from interacting with one another. Help with planning events, fundraisers, and more.

  1. Supporting Organizations

Checking off tasks for community organizations increases their reach and the amount of people they can assist. Help with administrative tasks and day-to-day needs.

  1. Advocating for Change

Our immigration system actively harms those trying to start a new life. Help by joining the movement for immigration justice.

Mahnoor reflects,

“As I finish off this project, I have this feeling of pride and fulfillment about my time at IJPC and how I decided to utilize it. This project was one of the projects that I enjoyed the most, and seeing the finished website is exciting as I know many people out there who want to volunteer their time and energy in welcoming immigrants into their communities, will benefit from this. 

“More importantly, it will help those families who have made this difficult journey to make this country their home, feel welcomed. Meeting these small needs goes a long way, that’s for sure. 

One important perspective that I gained from this project is learning that there are so many organizations out there that are dedicated to challenging our constrictive immigration system. Despite all this work, we still have a long way to go as a society. It is one of the realizations that made me sad and hopeless, but at the same time motivated. 

“This work wasn’t difficult, necessarily, but it was certainly challenging in terms of time, resources, knowledge and personal feelings. However, I am glad I was part of this project and I will feel forever proud of it.”

View and share the guide:   (Last Updated August 2022)