Stay Social to Support the DREAM Act

After the Trump administration ended DACA on September 5th, the DREAM Act, a bi-partisan legislation that would protect Dreamers, is needed more than ever before. YES is devoted to pressuring our members of Congress to support and co-sign the DREAM Act.

One of the ways to pressure our members of congress is through social media. Everyone will have the opportunity to participate in this campaign.

Follow these steps to participate in our campaign to put pressure on our representatives!

  • Print out this sign or stop by IJPC’s offices to pick up copies.
  • Fill it out and write your member of Congress’ name and the message you want them to know as to why they should co-sign the Dream Act
  • Take a picture with your sign and upload on your social media accounts (we recommend Facebook and Twitter)
  • In your post please tag your member of Congress and tag YES. In order to participate in the campaign, you must tag YES and your member of Congress.

As YES students schedule visits with staff members of our representatives, we will show the photos of this “Support the DREAM Act” campaign to prove constituent support. Please post up your photos in the next month before our November 12th Rally!

Thank you!

IJPC YES Advisory Board