Details about DC Bus Trip & Local Event for Inauguration

IJPC Statement on the Women’s March on Washington (1/18/17):

“Last week, the Women’s March on Washington released a platform that included a pro-choice agenda. This week the organizers excluded a pro-life organization from its list of partners describing it as an “error.”

IJPC was unaware of the pro-choice stand of the Women’s March on Washington. We do not support or approve this exclusive, pro-choice agenda. We believe women’s rights are human rights and they should be advocated for and promoted through action and voice.”


IJPC will be collaborating with activists for a DC Bus trip as well as with local organizations for a local event the day of inauguration and would love for you join in for either event.

DC Trip: 

Join the Women’s March on Washington!

The Intercommunity Justice and Peace Center (IJPC) is collaborating with local Cincinnati activists to coordinate a bus trip to the Women’s March on Washington.

We welcome all women and men who are committed to affirming that women’s rights are human rights — and that ALL voices deserve respect, dignity, and inclusion in our socio-political conversations.

We hope to participate in this march as a multicultural and dynamic representation of Cincinnati women, men, and youth. We are committed to reaching out to multiple faith-based groups and through diverse community networks. We are doing our best to keep this trip as low-cost as possible and accessible to all interested participants.

For general information about the march, visit the official website at:

Our bus will leave on Friday morning, January 20 and return the evening of January 22. Through the generosity of a local Episcopal church community, we will be sleeping in a church hall outside of DC – bring your sleeping bag!

The bus trip will cost $150/person. These costs include the following:
Bus and driver hotel: $100/person
Food: $40/person (dinners provided at the church hall, breakfasts and lunches)
Metro pass: $10.00/person

We ask that participants who are able, pay the $150 trip fee. Any additional donation that you can offer above $150 will go to provide funding for another participant. Through the support of generous donors, funding is also available to those who need full or partial financial scholarships. For more information about receiving a scholarship, please contact us at one of the numbers listed below.

For more information or to reserve a seat on the bus, please contact: Laurel Fiorelli (614) 907-2839 or Jennie Mertens (513) 503-4301

If you are interested in financially supporting a participant, please visit our GoFundMe page.  All surplus fundraising money will be donated to support the Intercommunity Justice and Peace Center.

Local Event: 

IJPC will collaborate with other organizations to hold an event on Inauguration Day (January 20) locally. This event is called “We the People: united in diversity, pursuing peace and justice”. The goal of the event is to provide a rallying point for those who are looking to celebrate the diversity that makes America what it is and also the importance of a watchful engaged community. We will have a space for groups of diverse backgrounds to provide speakers sharing their vision for a just society as well as stream the inauguration speech of President-elect Donald Trump at noon.

The event will be held at Community Matters (2110 St. Michael’s Street, Cincinnati 45204) from 11 – 1 PM. We also have a FB event for you to share with your networks.

Collaborating Organizations include:
A Small Group
Contact Center
Intercommunity Justice and Peace Center
St. John’s Unitarian Universalist Church
Social Justice Committee of First Unitarian Church (Cincinnati, Ohio)
Unitarian Universalist Justice Ohio

Thanks for all your support and please contact if you would like to sign on as a Collaborating Organization!